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About HAFM

Why Shop at Certified Farmers Markets

Why shop at Certified Farmers' Markets?

California's certified farmers' markets only allow California farmers to sell what they grow, so that you know where your food comes from. Farmers' markets allow you to meet the farmer who grew your food. You can learn the best recipes, preservation techniques and prep tips for what you just bought.

Where is the produce grown? 

Most of the produce is grown within 200 miles of our markets. Foods transported short distances are fresher, therefore safer. Local foods from small farms usually undergo minimal (if any) processing. Local food has less of an opportunity to wilt and rot, whereas large-scale food manufacturers must go to extreme lengths to extend shelf-life since there is a delay between harvest and consumption.

Farmers' markets provide a livelihood for hundreds of farmers who otherwise would not be farming. Farmers' markets enable farmers to keep well over 90 cents of each dollar spent by the consumer.

What are food miles? 

Food miles refer to the distance a food item travels from the farm to your home. The food miles for items you buy in the grocery store tend to be almost 30 times higher than the food miles for goods bought from local sources. Notably, about 10% of our table meat comes from foreign countries, such as lamb from New Zealand and Australia.

Why is diversity important?

Farmers' markets encourage diversity, and not just for flavor. The bio-system is enhanced by the preservation of heirloom varieties, preserving a diverse gene pool for a more sustainable agriculture system.

History has shown that preserving many varieties of plants can save the day. Genetic diversity in a necessary insurance for the future—against changes in climate (such as possible global warming), evolving pests and diseases, and changes in the availability of energy. Genetic diversity is essential if the increasing population of the world is to be fed.

Why does the produce in the supermarket look perfect?

To maintain the appearance of many fruits and vegetables for supermarket displays, they are typically waxed, which requires scrubbing or peeling and the consequent loss of nutritional value. Some items (such as tomatoes) are picked green and artificially treated with gas to bring out their natural color.

Can I lose weight if I shop at the farmers' markets?

Perhaps. Farmers' markets are more social than a supermarket, so there is more fun. When you're happy and being social, you'll do less emotional over-eating. You are doing a lot of walking and spending time outdoors, helping burn calories.

If you were to change your diet and eat only produce sold at the farmers' market, you would lose weight. There's no denying that fruits and vegetables are the mainstays of a healthy, calorie-controlled diet: one serving of vegetables (1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw) has only 25 calories, and one serving of fruit (1 medium whole fruit or 1 cup cut fruit or berries) has just 60 calories. And these foods will still fill you up.

What happens to the food that is not sold?

Charities such as Food Finders come to each market and pick up for low-income clients of a wide variety of local agencies.

Can I save money by shopping at the farmers' markets?

At the farmers' markets there are lots of good buys, especially on organic items and cut flowers. Our prices are about 20% lower than supermarket prices. We do regular price checks and post them on our website.

Another important thing is that you as a Californian are supporting California farmers when you shop at the farmers' markets.

You'll Never Regret Buying Quality!

© 2020 Harbor Area Farmers Market

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